One of the many reasons we travel is to experience culture and scenery different from the place where we live. We want to see different vistas, hear different accents, taste different cuisines and experience different adventures. But, for all the differences we look for, there are some qualities that consistently make visiting some towns superior to others. We like towns that are easily walkable and have a variety of shops and restaurants. We love towns with beautiful landscaping, parks, green spaces, art displays, murals and creative lighting. We enjoy towns that share their history and preserve historic buildings. We look for towns with a vibrant atmosphere where there are events, festivals, street performers, artists and musicians. Towns that appear well loved and clean are always appealing. Downtowns that not only have shops, restaurants and businesses, but also spaces for living are more interesting. These are the characteristics that make people want to visit and keep them coming back. How does your town stack up? If you award up to 10 points for each of the following components of a great community, does your hometown pass or fail?
▢ Pedestrian-friendly design:
- Are there events and activities that promote a sense of belonging and connection among residents?
- Does your community have mixed-use buildings with a combination of residential, commercial, and office space to encourage a live-work-play environment?Add up the scores. Did your town make the grade? Whichareas need the most improvement? Is anything being doneto make improvements to any of the areas? Tell us how yourtown scores.